Bad credit can have far-reaching negative repercussions in your life. If you habitually don't pay your bills on time, you're doing yourself a disservice, and the late fees are the least of the things you should worry about. Late payments can make it tougher for you to apply for loans in the future because they negatively impact your credit score. Trinity Credit Services specializes in repairing your credit history through legal means. We offer credit repair services in Waco, TX, and its surrounding communities.
Credit scores are a numerical representation of how likely you are to default on your credit card or loan payments. The lower your credit score, the riskier you are in the eyes of the creditors. The riskier you are, the higher the interest rates they will apply should they approve your loan application. But more than incurring you higher interest rates, bad credit can have far-reaching implications in your life. You may have a hard time getting an apartment if you have a low credit score. You may have to pay bigger security deposits even on utilities such as phone, cable, water, gas, and electricity. A poor credit score can lower your chances of getting hired because employers now use credit scores to rate their applicants. If you are thinking of starting a small business but you have bad credit, you'll have a hard time applying for a business loan.
That's why we made it our mission at Trinity Credit Services to help individuals restore their credit. There are very few credit repair companies out there that use legal means of credit repair, and we are proud to let you know that we are one of those. Our secret is to take care of the problem at the root cause. Using our multistage process, we have been able to remove inaccurate and unverifiable information from our clients' credit records.
Since we started almost a decade ago, we have helped more than 20,000 individuals get their credit standing back. We are proud that we have positively impacted their lives somehow and contributed their journey to financial freedom. Our services include:
Student Loan Credit Repair - The total student loan debts in the US is more than $1.5 trillion, which is a staggering amount. Individually, college graduates owe an average of $40,000. The bad news is that around 25% of federal borrowers can’t keep up with their loan payments. This means that they will have negative credit reports and will have a hard time finding jobs as they entered the job market. Trinity Credit Services helps individuals with student loans repair their credit rating.
Foreclosures Credit Repair - When you mortgage your property and fail to make on-time payments for an extended period, your lender will have the right to foreclose your property. If you fail to pay your outstanding debt in the given time, your property will be sold via a short sale. Foreclosure can be devastating for your credit score. You can lose between 85 and 160 points depending on how high your credit score is. Trinity Credit Services helps individuals whose credit scores were damaged by foreclosure.
Late Payments Credit Repair - Late payment, as mentioned above, is considered a bad move. If late payments have damaged your credit rating, we can help you recover. Our professionals at Trinity Credit Services can remove late payments from your credit record.
Trinity Credit Services offers credit repair services for charge-offs, auto loans, tax liens, and more. Our service area covers Waco, TX and its surrounding cities. To learn more about our services, please call 888-669-7372 or visit our Contact Us page.