A charge-off is an accounting entry that can have major repercussions on your credit score. When a bank or other lender loans money to you, that debt is considered an asset because it has value.
However, the value of that asset falls into question if you get behind on payments. With too many missed payments, the IRS requires the bank to remove your loan from its assets. The bank then “charges off” part or all of your loan from its books. When that happens, the charge-off will put a major dent in your credit score and hamper your efforts to borrow additional money.
FICO, the most widely used credit scoring system, estimates that a charge-off can reduce a consumer's credit score by as much as 150 points. Once placed on your credit history and sent to the credit bureaus, a loan that is marked as a charge-off will remain on your credit report for 7 years.
For customers in Dallas-Fort Worth, the credit repair professionals from Trinity Credit Services can minimize the damage of a charge-off to your credit score. We also handle much more than charge-offs. When you need credit repair services, we can help customers facing foreclosures, bankruptcies, tax liens, late payments, repossessions, collections, and much more.
After your debt is charged off by a lender, you still owe the money and the charge-off may make it more difficult to repay the debt afterward. Typically, a lender responds to a charge-off in one of three ways:
You have no control over when a debt is charged off or how it is charged off. That is determined by the law and the lender. Because 35% of your credit score is based on your payment history, any charge-offs or late payments will lower your score. To minimize the damage, Trinity Credit Services can suggest three possible courses of action:
At Trinity Credit Services, we have been helping our DFW customers find solutions for charge-offs on their credit scores for years. Our credit repair professionals understand how to help you escape your current financial predicament and will guide you down that path. When you need our services, Contact Us online or give us a call at 844-844-0701.