Having bad credit can affect your life in ways you might not have imagined. You probably know that having a poor credit score means that you have to pay higher interest rates for credit card and loan payments. However, did you know that your chances of landing that dream job may be diminished because of bad credit? Employers now look at credit scores when making hiring decisions, and that's just one of the many reasons why you should take care of your credit score. Trinity Credit Services offers credit repair services in Houston, TX, and other major cities in the state, including Austin, Dallas, and El Paso.
Credit scores are more than just a number; they are a representation of the likelihood of you defaulting on a loan. These scores are used as a measure of risk for creditors to determine whether or not they will approve your loan application our credit card application. You may still be approved for a credit card if you are considered a high-risk individual, but you will have to pay higher interest rates and charges. You can also have a hard time applying for a home loan, car loan, or a business loan if your credit score is less than stellar. Even getting an apartment might be a problem if your credit is not good enough.
At Trinity Credit Services, we fully understand how difficult it is to have bad credit. That's why we made it our mission to help individuals achieve financial freedom through good credit. We offer a free credit report evaluation where we go over your credit report with you line by line. We can even pull it up for you instantly if you don't have a credit report yet. Next, we’ll come up with a customized credit repair plan to remove inaccurate items from your credit report. Within 30 to 45 days, you'll start receiving correspondence from credit reporting agencies. We will ask you to send us those correspondences. We provide you with a secure system of monitoring your credit repair progress online.
We have helped more than 20,000 individuals just like you over the years, and we are proud of the positive impact that we have made on those individuals. You can take the path to financial freedom by contacting us today.
At Trinity Credit Services is one of the very few credit repair services companies that use purely legal means for credit repair. Our services are so reliable that we offer a full refund, as stated on the first page of our contract. Some of the services we offer include:
Trinity Credit Services is your reliable credit repair company that has your best interest in mind. We offer credit repair for student loans, repossessions, and collections, and our service area includes Houston and its surrounding cities. For more information about our services, please call 888-669-7372. Alternatively, you can send us a message through our Contact Us page.