Bad credit can affect your life in ways you may not have imagined. Aside from making it difficult for you to get a credit card or apply for a loan, bad credit can affect your employment opportunities because employers now look at credit scores when making hiring decisions. The good news is that Trinity Credit Services offers guaranteed credit repair services in Dallas, TX and other cities such as Austin, El Paso, and Houston.
When you have a low credit score, you'll have to pay higher interest rates and finance charges on your credit card. In most cases, you'll have a hard time even getting a credit card in the first place. You may experience harassment from debt collectors who are relentless in making calls and sending demand letters. If you have bad credit, forget about buying a new house, renting a lovely apartment, or buying a new car. If you want to start a business, bad credit can make it hard for you to get approved for a small business loan. That's why it's so important to fix your credit score ASAP—and Trinity Credit Services can help you with that.
There are very few credit repair companies that operate legally, and Trinity Credit Services is one of those. We have been in the credit repair business for almost a decade now, and we have helped more than 20,000 individuals get good credit by using entirely legal means. Our multistage process helps our clients remove unverifiable and inaccurate information from their records. We offer a full refund policy, as you'll see on the first page of our contract. That's how confident we are about the quality of our service, and it's our way of eliminating perceived risks on your part.
We pride ourselves in helping our clients fix their credit problems by solving the problem's root cause. Over our years in the business, this approach has proven to be effective. We provide:
Late Payment Credit Repair - As you know, you have to avoid late payments as much as possible. Late payments can lower your credit score by up to 100 points. Worse than that, a late payment will remain in your record for up to seven years.
Bankruptcy Credit Repair - When you file for bankruptcy, your creditors will stop demanding payment; however, this move will affect your credit status for up to 10 years and lower your credit score by a whopping 220 points in some cases. We can help you recover from bankruptcy faster.
Foreclosure Credit Repair - Failing to pay mortgage payments for an extended period will give your lender the right to foreclose your property. If you fail to sell the property and pay off the balance, your property will go into a foreclosure auction. A foreclosure will have a significant adverse effect on your credit rating. We can help you rebuild your credit score after a foreclosure.
When it comes to credit repair services in Dallas, Texas, the only name to remember is Trinity Credit Services. We serve San Antonio and Waco, where we offer repossession credit repair, student loan credit repair, auto loan credit repair, and more. To learn more about our credit repair services, please call 888-669-7372 or visit our Contact Us page.