You probably know that having bad credit can give you a hard time getting a credit card or applying for a loan, but the repercussions of bad credit go beyond that. Bad credit can make it difficult for you to purchase a home or car or even get a job. You might not know this, but more and more businesses are using your credit score to make hiring decisions. Trinity Credit Services offers credit repair in Austin, TX, and other cities such as Dallas, El Paso, and San Antonio.
A low credit score will usually mean that you'll be charged higher interest on your credit card debt. Applying for utility services with a low credit score might mean that you have to pay for a deposit. These are just some of the things that you may have to endure if you don't fix your credit score. On the other hand, if you have good credit, you’ll be able to take advantage of getting low-interest rates for loans.
Fortunately, Trinity Credit Services offers reliable credit repair services. We are among the few credit and restoration companies that operate the legal way. We are an industry leader when it comes to ethical credit repair. We have helped more than 20,000 people restore their credit and improve their lives. We promise that we will take care of the issue at the root cause. We use a multistage process that ensures inaccurate and unverifiable information is removed from your records permanently. Our results are guaranteed, and we offer a full refund policy, which is clearly stated on our contract's front page. We are passionate about helping our clients enjoy financial freedom and peace of mind that a good credit score can bring.
At Trinity Credit Services, we aim to help our clients fix the root cause of their credit problems. This approach has allowed us to help tens of thousands of individuals get a good credit rating and improve their lives. Our services include:
Late Payment Credit Repair - A late payment can remove up to 100 points off your credit score and can reflect on your credit report for up to 7 years. That amount of deducted points can prevent you from buying a car or a home. We offer guidance in resolving late payment issues.
Bankruptcy Credit Repair - Filing for bankruptcy will stop your creditors from collecting, but it would also create a big mess on your credit status. Your bankruptcy will be in your credit report for up to 10 years and can lower your credit score by 160 to 220 points. Trinity Credit Services can help you recover from bankruptcy faster.
Foreclosure Credit Repair - If a homeowner fails to make mortgage payments for an extended period, the lender has the legal right to foreclose the property. The owner must sell the property and pay off the outstanding debt. If not, the property will go into a foreclosure auction.
Trinity Credit Services is your reliable credit repair service provider in Arizona and Texas. We offer auto loan credit repair, student loan credit repair, and repossessions credit repair, and our service area includes Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and Waco. Call us today to learn more about you can start rebuilding your credit. Our representatives are ready to take your call. You can reach us at 888-669-7372 or via our Contact Us page.