

"The longest way round is the nearest way home"

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A foreclosure does not have to be the end of your dreams of having the perfect home. We are prepared to help you restore your good name and build a more positive credit rating so you can once again look forward to getting a new house as well as to bringing your other financial goals to fruition.

  • Credit report checking – After a foreclosure, it is important to check your credit report to make sure that all your current accounts are accurate and paid up. We can do this for you plus more.
  • Professional financial guidance – Your journey towards being in a better financial state is easier with guidance from our Credit Navigators. They can provide you invaluable advice regarding how to make wiser financial decisions in the future.
  • Better job prospects – Your credit score can have an impact on your employment prospects. We can help you establish a better credit history to make it look more favorable to potential employers.
  • Be eligible for new credit – Get started on financing your new home or vehicle by improving your credit history. We also work with exceptional affiliates who can get you a loan once you have completed our credit restoration program.

Let's Get Started

Rebuild a positive credit history and start financing your new home

Credit Restoration after Foreclosure

Losing a home due to foreclosure can take a toll not only on a person's credit score, but also on their emotional well-being. Whether the foreclosure of your home happens on a voluntary or involuntary basis, it is definitely hard to see your dream house go.

A lot of things can cause foreclosure. It can be brought about by personal financial difficulties, like when the owner gets laid off from their job or when a member of their family becomes ill and the medical bills put a tremendous strain on their finances. It can also happen as a result of economic downturns. The recent real estate bubble in the United States, for instance, saw thousands of families getting their homes foreclosed. In the past, many people were able to secure homes through subprime loans and adjustable rate mortgages, but as the market value of these houses fell and as people began losing their jobs due to the recession, many homeowners found out that they could no longer afford to keep their homes.

One must remember, however, that a foreclosure doesn't necessarily mean it is the end of one's financial life. Although it will harder, you will still have access to credit, so you can take advantage of the benefits of secured credit cards and affordable installment loans. Furthermore, by keeping pace with your existing debt and current payments, you can slowly restore your credit score to excellent territory.

Trinity Credit Services can guide you with all these steps — from the moment your house gets foreclosed up to the time your credit is fully restored. It may take a while, but as the adage goes, "the longest way round is the nearest way home." Your path to better credit and to getting a new home starts with us.



Call now for free expert advice: 888-669-7372


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