Credit repair has always been important. Mortgage, auto and personal lenders have long relied on your three-digit credit scores to determine if you are creditworthy enough to qualify for a loan. Lenders also rely on your credit scores to determine how much interest you'll pay on these loans. But today, lenders aren't the only ones who rely on these scores when making financial judgments. A growing number of employers tap into the credit information of job applicants when making hiring decisions. Those with low credit scores might lose out on their dream jobs. Even auto insurance companies often rely on credit scores when setting policy premiums. It's clear that having a strong credit score is the key to a stress-free life today.
Three national credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, keep tabs on your credit history, issuing three different credit reports that show how well you pay your bills each month, how much credit card debt you have and how many open credit card accounts you have. If you miss monthly payments or run up too much debt, your credit scores will fall. If you have bankruptcies or housing foreclosures in your past, your credit score will plummet, too. In general, credit scores over 620 are considered acceptable. Those of 720 or higher are considered excellent, and will guarantee borrowers the lowest interest rates. Higher credit scores will also mean lower insurance premiums, in many cases, and a better chance to land that high-paying job.
Critics say that neither employers nor auto-insurance providers should use consumer credit scores. High or low credit scores say nothing about how people drive or how well they would perform on a job. Supporters of the practice, though, argue that credit scores tell them about a person's judgment and integrity. Auto insurers say that drivers with low credit scores tend to have more traffic accidents and violations. No matter where you stand on this argument, one thing is certain: It's more important to focus on credit repair than it ever has been.
If you have negative items on your credit report, contact Trinity Credit Services today at 888-669-7372 for a FREE credit report evaluation.