Congratulations on making the important first step to repairing your credit. In addition to signing up for our program, here are a few tricks of the credit repair trade that will really make your scores move fast.
The FICO scoring model will give you bonus points for opening new accounts after a period of bad credit. Don't close your old accounts, credit history is also very important. The idea is to pay on time and keep your balances low. Here are some cards we recommend for rebuilding credit: Apply for credit.
A small change in balances can send your credit scores flying or diving. Have you maxed out a credit card and then checked your scores? This can work for or against you. The best bet is to use less than 20 percent of your credit limit.
When retailers ask you if you would like to save 10% by opening a store card, say no. That small savings could cost you. These cards yield the smallest credit repair benefit, have high interest rates and get you to spend money on things you may not need.
If you have any collections, now is the time to try to negotiate a deal. Here we are in 2010, and collectors are hungry. Plan your call in advance. Have the money to send right on the spot if you strike a good deal, and let them know you can. It is a great credit repair tip. You may even be able to get them to knock the collection off your report. The last Friday of the month can be a great time to try this. Good luck!
If you have any questions or you're ready to get your credit back on track, call Trinity Credit Services at 888-669-7372 today.